All Things Green
Make a Green Smoothie. Not only is making a smoothie a great way to build your child’s language skills, but it’s a great way to sneak some healthy food into your child’s diet. I used this recipe from Super Healthy Kids for inspiration for the perfect green smoothie.
Set up a Green Walk down the hallway. I printed out common green objects, cut them out, and then taped them on the hallway walls. My daughter went up to each common objects and imitated a word or sound after I modeled it for her.
Set up a Green Sensory Bottle. Jess, over at This Twin Life, posted a St. Patrick’s Day Calm Jar how-to. A year ago I made a variety of sensory bottles for my daughter. She was excited for the newest addition to her collection.
Green Pepper Stamping. We used green peppers to create a shamrock stamp. Baby girl followed the directions to “dip” the pepper into the paint and then “push” the paint onto the paper.
Put together an All things Green Sensory Bin. A sensory bin provides your child with a variety of materials and textures which stimulates the mind. There are no rules when it comes to playing with a sensory bin, it is self-directed learning and a chance for your child to have fun.