Say-n-Play Summer

Summer Challenge #4: Explore an Open Space

This week the summer challenge is to explore an open space in your city. An open space is any open piece of land that has no buildings or other built structures and is available to the public.

These spaces can include:

  • Green space (think community space, community gardens, parks, and cemeteries)
  • Playgrounds
  • Public seating areas
  • Public plazas
  • Vacant lots

Open space provides areas for residents to enhance the beauty and environmental quality of neighborhoods.

Some Suggestions if you are here in Columbus:

Check-in each week this summer for adventure ideas in your community. My hope is that each and every adventure will be different and exciting. This year I have partnered with businesses in the community to put together an epic summer bucket giveaway at the end of the 10 weeks. The bucket includes ways to Say-n-Play both at home and in Columbus this summer. You will be entered into the drawing for the bucket each time you connect and share your weekly adventure experiences using the hashtag – #saynplaythesummeraway.

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