Say-n-Play Summer

Summer Challenge #8: Visit a Place Where They Make Stuff

This week the summer challenge is to locate a factory, within driving distance, that makes cool stuff.

If you have ever tried to make anything yourself, you know how hard it can be to get a recipe or creation just right. Factories have mastered a technique and it can be fascinating to observe how they get things made. When on your tour, the guide can explain how everything works: how sugar turns into candy and cream into ice cream. Everyone is can have curiosity, so foster your child’s curiosity by exposing him t

American Whistle Factory — Worthington, Ohio

American Whistle Corporation is the only manufacturer of metal whistles in the United States. Click the link for tour times and details.

Anthony Thomas Factory — Columbus, Ohio

Anthony-Thomas has been making chocolates since 1952. Tours are open to the public from June-August on Tues, Weds & Thurs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Appointments aren’t necessary. Click the link or more details.

Honda Heritage CenterMarysville, Ohio

One of the world’s largest automakers invites visitors to see the past, present and future developments of Honda. Click the link for tour details.

Columbus Washboard Company — Logan, Ohio

The Columbus Washboard Co. is the last remaining manufacturer of genuine Washboards in the USA.  The company was founded in 1895 in Columbus, OH, then moved to Logan, OH in 1999. Click the link for tour times and details.

Phoenix Bats — Plain City

Take a tour to see how a bat is made from start to finish. Stop in during the three open tour times or schedule a tour Monday through Friday. The tour is $10 per person and includes a pre-engraved mini bat to commemorate your visit.

Velvet Ice Cream Factory – Utica, Ohio

During the free 30-minute walking tour, Velvet Ice Cream tour guides will show you how the 100 year old company began in 1914, get a history lesson on the Historic Ye Olde Mill and take you to the Viewing Gallery to learn the seven steps it takes to make ice cream.

Have you taken any of these tours? Drop a comment below and let us know which one and what you thought!

Check-in each week this summer for adventure ideas in your community. My hope is that each and every adventure will be different and exciting. This year I have partnered with businesses in the community to put together an epic summer bucket giveaway at the end of the 10 weeks. The bucket includes ways to Say-n-Play both at home and in Columbus this summer. You will be entered into the drawing for the bucket each time you connect and share your weekly adventure experiences using the hashtag – #saynplaythesummeraway.

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