
Snow Play

The first accumulating snow has fallen in Columbus and with that comes all of the snow related activities. Read on for 9 ways to say-n-play in the snow!

Do you want to build a snowman? And then label body parts, clothing items, and use spatial concepts in order to build your child’s vocabulary.

Take a moment to make a Snow Angel. Describe how to make it and then make one together. Which angel is bigger?

Paint the Snow. Liquid watercolors are a perfect way to color the snow and can be spread via a spray bottle or a paint brush. What colors are you using?

Play with snow gems. Create these gems by freezing colored water in an ice cube tray and then take them outside to hide or make a design in the snow. These gems sure do make a gorgeous color contrast to the white snow.


Blow bubbles in the frigid temperature and talk about what happens. Check out Housing a Forest for a frozen bubble how to. 


Hunt for animal tracks or make tracks of your own. Can you find two tracks that are different?

Make snow ice cream together. Our recipe is to mix together 3 cups snow, 2 tbsp milk, 1/2 tsp. vanilla, 1/8 cup sugar, and of course add sprinkles on top.

Bring the snow inside if it’s too cold to be outside. How does the snow feel? Can you make designs in the snow on a tray?


If there’s enough snow, make a snow sensory bin. Use markers, spray bottles with liquid watercolor, or paint brushes to paint the snow.

The sensory experiences and opportunity for language growth are endless when it comes to snow. Enjoy and stay warm!

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