Goldfish Swim School

Summer at Goldfish Swim School

Disclaimer: We are provided free swimming lessons by Goldfish Swim School in exchange for collaborating blog posts. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

School is out and summer is here. This is the time of year for schedule changes, vacations, and swim lessons offered at the local pool. Even with all of the changes that come with summer, we are keeping one thing constant for our littles, and that is swim lessons at Goldfish Swim School. I have thought a lot about why I am keeping my kiddos in swim lessons at an indoor swimming pool during the summer and decided to share the reasons below.

Weather: I remember freezing during early morning swim lessons when I was a kid. Goldfish keeps the water at a comfortable 90 degrees, so I don’t have to worry about my babies shivering during her lesson. And with the crazy amount of rain we have been having in Columbus this year I don’t have to worry about lessons being cancelled due to weather.

Goldfish Instructors: I have said it before, and I will say it again, the Goldfish instructors are amazing! Our instructors are so gentle and encouraging and my babies respond so well to this positive vibe.

An Activity for the Littles: It is hard to find weekly activities for children under the age of three to participate in and swim lessons at our local pool don’t begin until children have reached three years-old. Our little guy just turned one this summer and lessons at the local pool aren’t even an option for us. I love that babies can start swim lessons at Goldfish Swim School as young as four months-old.

Routine: With the end of school and the start of summer comes a complete change in routine. I wanted to keep at least one thing constant in our routine. Swim lessons at Goldfish do just that.

Focus on Safety: Goldfish places a huge emphasis on water safety during swim lessons, which is so important in keeping these little kiddos safe. Being in the summer months, water activities are everywhere, and it is important for children and parents to be vigilant around water.

The Details: We are currently enrolled in the Goldfish Mini 1 and the Junior 1 class at Goldfish Swim School. We attend lessons at the Goldfish Swim School in Westerville, Ohio. Check out the link for location, address/telephone details and how to sign up for lessons.


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