Goldfish Swim School

Always Learning at Goldfish Swim School

Disclaimer: We were provided free swimming lessons by Goldfish Swim School in exchange for collaborating blog posts. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I am continually impressed by how much my daughter learns and grows during her lessons at Goldfish Swim School. This week she is moving up a level from Junior 1 to Junior 2, so I took some time to think about how in addition to teaching swim skills and water safety, the instructors do a wonderful job of incorporating academics and social skills into each lesson.

Taking Turns

From these photos you would think my daughter is the only one in the class. When in reality she is one of 4 students. Her instructor manages the 4 children so well that each child has time to practice the designated swim skill one-on-one with the instructor. My daughter’s instructor has each child figured outs while they wait, she knows what type of fidget to give them to keep their little hands busy and help them remain seated.

Peer Encouragement

Not only are the adults in the pool extremely encouraging and excited when a new skills is mastered, but the other children are as well. Being part of this tight knit group of 4 makes it easy to cheer on a friend when they float on their back for 10 seconds or swim a new length in the pool. I love watching the camaraderie.

Following Directions

The entire swim lesson is filled with opportunities to listen and follow directions. My daughter’s instructor is patient with the children and will redirect when necessary.


Colors, letters, numbers are incorporated each week into my daughters lesson. I love the activity pictured where my daughter locates a ring under water and then has to match the colored ring to the corresponding colored turtle. Learning through play is THE best way to learn!

Spatial Concepts

Spatial concepts are woven throughout each lesson. My daughter is asked to climb “out” of the pool, put objects “on” and stand “up.” While she knows these concepts it’s always nice to be continually exposed to the vocabulary just to drive the concept home.

The Details: We are currently enrolled in the Goldfish Mini 1 and the Junior 1 class at Goldfish Swim School. We attend lessons at the Goldfish Swim School in Westerville, Ohio. Check out the link for location, address/telephone details and how to sign up for lessons.

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