Give Back Columbus

A November for Giving Back and Spreading Kindness

World Kindness Day falls on November 13th and the past few years we have really decided to spend time this month focusing on kindness and how we can give back.

Children learn by observing adults, even when those adults aren’t intentionally trying to teach them anything. This month I will continue to challeng myself to be more intentional in spreading kindness in hopes that my children will learn and follow my lead.

Join us in celebrating World Kindness Day on November 13 by completing 1 random act of kindness.

Put together snack packs for the Ronald McDonald House. Your gift of an on-the-go snack pack allows families to stay close to their hospitalized child without having to leave their child’s side for meals or snacks.

Make Welcome Blankets for The Ronald McDonald House. Each new family coming into the Ronald McDonald House receives a Welcome Bag, along with a Welcome Blanket. Head to this link to learn how to create a no-sew blanket that would be perfect for donation.

Collect Pop Tabs for the Ronald McDonald House and help them keep the lights on. Each year, the Ronald McDonald House collects aluminum pop tabs that generates thousands of dollars, which is then used towards the electric bill. Dropping off the pop tabs is contactless and safe this year. Pop tabs can be dropped off to Ronald McDonald House at 711 E. Livingston Avenue. In an effort to ensure contact-free drop off, a blue bin has been placed outside of our front doors for pop tab delivery. Please place pop tabs in a container or bag inside of this bin and we will make sure the tabs are processed!

Build your library with books that promote kindness. Check out this list from The Imagination Tree for inspiration.

Compliment someone out of the blue.

Collect canned food and donate to a Little Free Pantry or a Blessing Box in your community.

Paint Kindness Rocks and scatter them throughout the community.

Write a Thank You note or paint a picture for the mailman.

Sign up for an event with Seeds of Caring. An organization that provides meaningful opportunities for kids to engage in service, social action, and community-building.

Put together blessing bags to store in your car. Have you ever driven past a person in need and wondered what you could do to help?  Keep one or two of these in your car to have on hand! The best part is, your children can be involved in creating the bags and will most likely be present when handing them out as well.

Leave a happy note or picture in a library book.

Send a postcard to a friend just because.

Sign up for the Holiday Wish Program and provide a child under the care of Franklin County Children Services to request a special toy or gift.

Help spread the joy and power of sharing books by donating to a Little Free Library.

Write inspirational sidewalk messages around the neighborhood.

Paint pictures for a special person.

Collect and Donate diapers to the local diaper coalition.

Send art to Color a Smile.

Will you join us in our efforts to spread kindness this month?

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