• Exploring Columbus

    Hurry and Get Outside!

    Can you believe the weather we’ve been having this fall?! This indian summer has provided many wonderful opportunities for the little one and me to enjoy nature. However, it’s the middle of November, so I can only imagine our days are numbered until winter sets in. Hurry and get outside before it’s too late. Say-n-Play Columbus had another play-date with Annette Ferraro Photography, this week. We decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather, by playing outside and experiencing all of the textures and colors that fall has to offer. As you can see from her gorgeous photos, we had a great day! For our outdoor adventure, we picked a park close to home. Then, we…

  • Play at Home

    Baby Ice Painting

    Baby school was in session this week, and these two cuties spent the time in class “ice painting.” Ice painting is a simple activity you can do at home with your baby (or older kiddo), to create beautiful pieces of art. At a little over three-months-old, these girls are soaking up everything in their environment. This ice painting activity is an excellent way for your child to experience colors, different sensations (COLD!), and cause and effect (the ice melts to create beautiful art). Materials Needed: Ice cubes with two drops of food coloring in each cube; paper (preferably porous paper to absorb the water); gallon-size freezer bags; and cookie sheets. Set Up:…

  • Play at Home

    Balloon Kicking Fun

    I was searching Pinterest again for a simple way to entertain my baby and found another winner from CanDo Kiddo. This balloon kicking activity is so much fun and a wonderful learning opportunity for your little one. The activity hones your child’s ability to recognize cause and effect, and gross motor skills. This activity is recommended for babies one-month-old to five-months-old. Considering all babies reach developmental milestones at different times, it should be noted this activity is recommended for those babies who are not yet truly mobile and grasping/mouthing objects. If you have a crawler on your hands, this activity isn’t for her. It is important to supervise your baby while doing this activity. Do not leave…

  • Daytrip,  Travel With Kids

    A Fall Day on US-68

    Fall is the perfect season to build your little one’s language. There are so many fall-related activities in and around Columbus, it’s difficult to choose where to go and what to do before the season is over. One of our favorite fall day-trips out of Columbus is to Yellow Springs, Ohio. It is less than an hour’s drive from Columbus and is a beautiful, small town with many friendly people and unique stores and restaurants. This year, we spent quite a bit of time just outside the town and ended up having a full day of fall fun on US-68 (the highway that leads into Yellow Springs from I-70). Our first stop…

  • Exploring Columbus

    Little Free Library

    I first saw a Little Free Library a few years ago on a side street in Clintonville.  I had never seen one before and thought it was such a unique idea . Recently, a friend brought up the Little Free Library as a great topic for this blog, and I completely agreed. Now that these libraries are on my radar, I have been seeing them everywhere! Little Free Library began in 2009 by Todd Bol in Wisconsin. As a tribute to his mother, he built a little library and put it on a post in his front yard with a sign that read “Free Books.” His neighbors loved the idea so…

  • Play at Home

    Star Box Play for Baby

    I love Pinterest almost as much as I love Instagram. With Pinterest, I can type any of my thoughts into the search engine and inevitably someone, somewhere has come up with an activity or craft that matches my thoughts! Recently, I was trying to find ideas on how to use a cardboard box to entertain babies (strange, I know) and came across CanDo Kiddo’s stargazing box. This is so simple to make, yet so entertaining for the little ones. Supplies: A cardboard box, Christmas lights, a knife, and packing tape (if your box isn’t already put together). Steps: Put the box together and place it on it’s side, cut “X”s…

  • Columbus Guide,  Exploring Columbus

    An Outing to the Topiary Garden

    An outing to The Topiary Garden is a unique experience filled with many opportunities to enrich and expand your child’s language abilities. A topiary garden is a garden in which the shrubs and trees are trimmed into ornamental or life-like shapes. The Columbus Topiary Garden can be found in The Old Deaf School Park, which is tucked behind the Main Branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library in downtown Columbus. It features a one-of-a-kind artistic recreation of a world-renowned painting. As you head in to the park, you’ll find the topiary garden in it’s center. The garden was designed in 1989 by Columbus artist James T. Mason to recreate George Seurat’s 1886…

  • Play at Home,  Speech & Language Tips

    What Can Baby Smell?

    Recently, I was thinking about my baby’s sense of smell. I was wondering: How developed is her sense of smell? What can she smell? Does she have any scent preferences at such an early age? Of course, I took to the Internet to do research during one of our late night nursing sessions. With the help of everyone’s good friend Google, I found an informative website that provided insight on a Newborn Sense of Taste and Smell From this website, I learned that newborns initially learn the most about their environment through taste and smell, not through vision and hearing. Newborns can even recognize the smell of their own amniotic…

  • Play at Home

    What Are You Reading Today?

    With the newest addition to our family, I have been thinking a lot about the best types of books to read to babies and young children. Reading aloud to babies and young children well before they are of speaking age is an important bonding experience because it encourages vocabulary development and improves communication skills. If you head to your local bookstore, you’ll find entire sections devoted to children’s literacy and language development. To help you save time sifting through the shelves, I’ve made a list of my four favorite (and effective) types of language development books for children. High Contrast Books High contrast books are great way to introduce infants…

  • Uncategorized

    My inspiration has arrived!

    My inspiration for this blog has arrived! I have been a mother now for nine whole days. Miss Ingrid Rose made her grand appearance on July 27, 2015, at 6:49 p.m. She was a perfect 7 lbs., 5 oz. and 19.5 inches long. My husband and I have spent the last nine days cat-napping (barely), eating (sometimes), staring at our little lady (always), taking hundreds of pictures (in between phone charges), and trying to figure out this parenting business (work in progress). Through her cries, Miss Ingrid came into this world ready to communicate with us. She does a great job letting us know when something is wrong. We just…